The class involved was the II A  in the school year 2017-18 and  the class III A  in the school year 2018-19 attending the Foreign Language Department


Expected short term IMPACT:
INCREASED BASIC and CROSS SKILLS in the areas involved in the project (Science, Maths);
INCREASED DIGITAL COMPETENCES of both students and teachers involved in the project;
INCREASED understanding of EUROPEAN CULTURES among the students and the communities involved in the project;

The potential LONGER TERM BENEFITS are:
- to benefit from people who have become active citizens mainly in environmental field;
- to share the project results with all non-governmental organizations involved with the S.C.I (local and regional) hoping that they will be useful for the protection and management of the S.C.I. themselves;
- to stimulate the local communities towards a more eco-friendly way of living;
- to contribute to the promotion of EU values and policy connected with the knowledge and dissemination of S.C.I;
- to provide a useful contribution to local issues.

Working "in situ"

1) Analysis and comparison of the European regulations of the Sites of Community Interest in the three countries;
2) Research on the Internet on the S.C.I and data storage;
3) Visit of the S.C.I both during the school year by the students in the respective countries and during the class exchanges. Observation and study "in situ" of the endemic species, peculiar to each site by using analytical keys, to identify the species;
4) Questionnaires to verify the knowledge about the S.C.I. will be handed out and filled in by the students' families and by samples of population in the three countries;
5) The results of the questionnaires will be analysed and processed and, according to the them, conferences on the S.C.I., open to the local communities, will be organized in the three schools ;
6) Digital maps (with information, pictures and itinerary route) and a tutorial video of the S.C.I visited and studied will be created.

Expected results

1.  New methodologies adopted will become more popular in the schools involved;
2. The level of key competences of the pupils involved in the project will rise, especially in Science and Maths but also in English, the ability to cooperate in group will also improve;
3. Cultural awareness among students, teachers and parents will be greater and will create friendships and bonds that will bear fruit for many years;
4. Nature awareness about the existence and the functions of the S.C.I among all people involved in the project;
5. Creation of a network of innovative schools with the possibility of further cooperation.

Project meetings and 

student exchanges


18-22 October 2017

1st teachers' meeting in Norway (Bergen)

Planning the project activities.


4-10 March 2018

Polish students' exchange in Italy (Imperia)

(Prau Grande, Mendatica, Aquarium in Genoa)

15 -20 April 2018

Norwegian students' exchange in Poland (Kamienna Gora)

5-12 May 2018

Italian students' exchange in Norway (Bergen)

24-28 September 2018

2nd teachers' meeting in Poland (Kamienna Gora)

1st year 's results and planning 2nd year's activities.

8-15 October 2018

Italian students' exchange in Poland (Kamienna Gora)

Activities and photos

6-12 April 2019

Norwegian students' exchange in Italy (Imperia)

Activities and photos 

28 April - 3 May 2019

Polish students' exchange in Norway.  Activities and photos

1 June 2019

Information boards installed in Pompeiana by students, teachers and members of Prau Grande Association

4 - 8 June 2019

Final meeting

6 June 2019

Final conference at the city library "L. Lagorio" in Imperia


photo exhibition 

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